BC Recovery Benefit
The BC Recovery Benefit is a one-time, tax-free payment of up to $1,000 for eligible families and single parents and up to $500 for eligible individuals.
How the benefit works
The BC Recovery Benefit (the benefit) is a one-time direct deposit payment for eligible families, single parents or individuals. Benefit eligibility is based on net income from your 2019 tax return. You must apply to receive the benefit. Applications open December 18, 2020.
Benefit rates
The amount you’re eligible for will be automatically calculated based on your income when you apply.
Families and single parents
- $1,000 for eligible families and single parents with a net income of up to $125,000
- Reduced benefit amount for eligible families and single parents with a net income of up to $175,000
The benefit defines a family as an individual and their spouse or common-law partner, unless they are separated. Both people must be residents of B.C.
The benefit defines a single parent as an individual who is the principal caregiver to at least one child.
- $500 for eligible individuals with a net income of up to $62,500
- Reduced benefit amount for eligible individuals with a net income of up to $87,500
To read more about the news please visit the official website: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/economic-recovery/recovery-benefit